
Getting around on crutches! What you need to be aware of!

Getting around on crutches! What you need to be aware of! Here are 5 tips to getting around everyday on crutches!

I talk about stairs, armpit pain, dogs, slippery spots and let you know how to comfortably maneuver around on crutches.

I’ve been on them for a month and a half and I have another month and a half to go! I better get pretty good at using them as I love to be independent and do my own things.

Check me out on Instagram for some more tips and fitness exercises if you want to go to the gym on crutches (there is still LOTS you can do to keep in shape).

P.S this is my dog squishy. He is a character and a half and I love him so much. You can follow him at squishy_the_pug.


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