Dawn has been in the gaming industry for almost 30 years. Her journey has included graphic design and art direction for a variety of RPGs, novels and TCGs, including Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Dark Matter, Alternity, Hecatomb, Call of Cthulhu and the top-selling, Japanese exclusive TCG, Duel Master’s. She is currently Senior AD on the Worldbuilding team for Magic: the Gathering. Dawn is also a total nerd and loves watching old, sci-fi and monster B-movies, and Star Trek OS; probably too much for her own good.
Tabletop gaming legend Peter Adkison is live from Chaldea Studios each Wednesday at 4pm Pacific, sharing stories about the origin and history of industry-defining games. Hosted by Peter Adkison and Co-host Emma Larkins.
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