
Normative of tourist license in the Region of Murcia.

Normative of tourist license in the Region of Murcia. Main changes you must take into account pertaining to the new normative of tourist license in the Region of Murcia.
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The following is a summary of the main changes you must take into account pertaining to the new normative of properties for tourist use in the Region of Murcia, and the most urgent actions you need to implement.

For further information you can download the full Decree in Spanish here.

The decree establishes two types of properties for tourist use:
properties rented in their entirety,
properties rented by rooms and always shared with the owner. This type of rental agreement can only be exercised by a registered citizen with effective residence in the home where the rental activity takes place.
Administrative responsability and users´obligations.
1.- The administrative responsibility for breach of provisions outlined in this decree shall be enforceable:

In the event that the accommodations subject to this normative are managed directly by their owner, the administrative responsibility for the breach of the provisions of this decree will fall on the owner.
In the event the tourist property is rented in its entirety and this service is delegated to a management company other than its owner, it will be necessary for this company to have access to the property. The responsibility for the breach of the administrative obligations derived from this decree will fall on the management company.
In the event the tourist property is rented in its entirety and this service is delegated to a mandatory agent, the administrative responsibility for the breach of the provisions of this decree will fall on the principal.
2.- Should users fail to comply with any of the obligations established by this decree or those related to the rules of coexistence, the owner of this service may refuse the users´stay and require the abandonment of the accommodation within twenty-four hours.

The licensee will sign a civil liability insurance.
The licensees of the rental property object of this decree must have signed a civil liability insurance contract that sufficiently covers the possible risks of the tourist activity.

The person or management company signatory of the licence must have obtained a civil responsability insurance.

In any case, the minimum amount of coverage will be 300.000 euros per claim.
Insurance contracts must remain in force for the entire duration of the accommodation activity.
This coverage must include all kinds of claims: personal injury, property damage and economic damages caused.
Person responsible for the accommodation.
It is compulsory to nominate a person in charge of the tourist rental property.
The correct provision of the management of all the services before the user, its maintenance and to ensure its proper functioning corresponds to the person in charge of the accommodation.

Each tourist rental property must clearly display the contact telephone number of the person responsible for the accommodation at least in the Spanish and English languages.

Complaint forms.
The decree increases the number of languages in which the notice advising of the existence of complaint forms must be written.

This notice will be displayed to the public in a visible way that allows easy reading and it is expressed in Spanish, English and two other languages to choose from.

Fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
Tourist rental properties must have a fire extinguisher installed in an easily accessible place.

They will also have a basic first aid kit.

A period of 6 months is given to adapt the dwelling where the accommodation service is provided to the requirements of the new decree.

However, as soon as the decree takes effect (valid from November 08, 2019), the competent body will require the accommodation´s licensees to submit, within a maximum of 10 days, the rest of the required information.

That´s why Fuster & Associates advises you to install a medical kit and a fire extinguisher as well as to take out civil liability insurance to cover all the possible risks that come with any tourist activities conducted on the premises for a mínimum coverage of 300.000€ as soon as possible.

If you need help with tourist license in Murcia, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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