
Why I Converted To Islam | Why I'm Studying Islam

Why I Converted To Islam | Why I'm Studying Islam My name is Natalia, I'm 23 years old from Las Vegas, NV , USA , I was born a Christian however I left Christianity at a really young age (around 12 years old.)
Do you notice why Christians always get bad things happening to them? Because they worship a Prophet, Jesus even warned them in the Original bible (which they erased and rewrote) that he must not be worshiped, only the one and all mighty God or he will bring chaos to their daily lives. Some Christians even go as far as to Worship Mother Mary. (I wish I was kidding). They ignore the true god and had rewritten the bible over 80 times..
In Islam you have an actual relationship with Allah, (Salah, Charity, Fasting, reciting the Quran, going to the Mosque) these are from the Five Pillars of Islam.. And Christianity? Just Church..

Why I Converted To Islam,american converts to islam,american girl converts to islam,

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