I don't like left-wing racial double standards. I believe in human liberty, self-determinism, honesty, western civilization, and the preservation of culture.
Here are other videos you might be interested in from this channel:
1. What Blacks Don't Want Whites To Know About The Sociopathic Evils Of Pan Africanism:
2. What Blacks Don't Want Whites To Know About The Truth Behind The Term "Internalized Oppression":
3. You Can't Be Pro-Black & Pro-Integration At The Same Time In America:
4. The Afrocentrics Have Lost: Wield This Logic Against Them
5. The Genetic Signature Of A Vannoken & How We View Women
6. The Vannoken Opinion Of White Males
7. On Innate In-Group Preferences In Vannoken Culture
8. What I Learned In The Peace Corps In Africa: Trump Is Right (RE:)
As well as visit my Facebook page here:
Hi, I'm Mike Norton, a physicist, cultural theoretician, and an award-winning Internet marketing strategist.
My goal is to express myself in the shortest amount of time possible for the respect of your time. Most of my thoughts have already been said before by other wiser people. What matters more is not my attempt to be original, but simply to convey truth in my own way. I will listen to genuine constructive criticism if you leave a comment offering it to evolve as both a person, presenter, and thinker, over time.
I'm teaching myself just as much as I am presenting. Therein, many of my videos are akin to a mathematics student trying to solve a complicated issue. Each video is just as much for myself and what I correct myself with from your input as it is me claiming to know any answers.
Analogically speaking, place a math problem on a board; I'll attempt to solve it. What you're watching with my videos is merely my attempt. My words, as they're spoken, represent me showing my work.
If my body language seems a little unnatural, it's because I'm a highly introverted person who finds it terribly uncomfortable to speak in front of a camera/audience; however, my words are genuinely mine, and I only use visual notecards to help me stay on track. These videos are real.
I'm not actually in it for the subs; that's why I willfully demonetized my channel a while ago. I got a rush of subs once after a Stefan Molyneux video. I was inclined to ride the wave; but midway, I just kind of didn't see the point, and stopped producing keyword-based content that could draw in more traffic. Furthermore, I didn't want people to think that I made the apology video for money; I really meant what I said and have been working very hard to calibrate a better character since.
Meanwhile, making visual content takes a lot out of me in an otherwise busy schedule, which is why many of my videos are only 1-2 minutes long and completely textual. I'm not even sure what benefit my thoughts would yield to a large following, if any.
I upload content because I question my sanity; I think very deeply on things, but I can lie to myself. I can silo myself away into self-destruction. Outside opinions from multiple perspectives can yield great constructive criticism that helps me to develop genuinely beneficial ideas from those that start as bad ones.
However, if my following grows too large, I won't be able to actually appreciate those opinions, because I'd simply lack the time to read through and consider everything. I'm just leaving a record of my thoughts.
I'm not looking to actually build this channel. I'd see more harm from the attention than help.
To read about the foundational philosophy of the Vannoken tribe, visit
To read from my personal blog, visit