
We Are Little Dinosaurs! | A Dinosaur Song | Little Angel Kids Songs

We Are Little Dinosaurs! | A Dinosaur Song | Little Angel Kids Songs Baby John and classmates are playing when their toys when their teacher decides it’s time to be dinosaur hunters. Once they find all of the eggs, the real adventures begin as actual dinosaurs . Enjoy this new version of our Dinosaur Song and other exciting songs. #littleangel #littleangelnurseryrhymes #babyjohnsongs #babyjohnnurseryrhymes

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List of Kids Songs;
00:04 The Dinosaur Song
04:10 Going To The Dino Doctor
06:20 We Are All Doing The Animal Dance
10:35 Playtime at School
14:14 Baby John Learns How to Share
18:29 It's Time to Sleep Baby John
22:27 No No, I Don't Want to the Seatbelt

Song Lyrics

Many years ago they ruled the world
Big dinosaurs, the biggest in the world
They were really big but started small
In little eggs then they grew tall.

Dinosaur hunters that’s who we are
Hunting for eggs near and far
Dinosaur eggs oh we found you
We found the eggs yeah woo hoo!

Many years ago they were the kings
Stomping the earth and crushing things
Dinosaurs are cool they’re big and strong
Stomping around as they move along.

I’m a dinosaur hey look at me
I’m a T-Rex with big big teeth
See my little arms I wave around
I’m a T-Rex I stomp the ground.

I’m a Stegosaurus look at me
Bumps on my back everyone can see
My spiky tail is big and strong
I eat plants to make me strong.

Velociraptor yeah that’s me
Big sharp claws everyone can see
I am smart and quick try to catch me
I’m too fast you can’t catch me.

I’m a Pterodactyl with sharp teeth
I have a long beak filled with teeth
I have wings to flap and I can fly
Look at me fly up in the sky!

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

Animations by: Valnet Inc.
Copyright 2020 Valnet

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