In this series i will go through the official and unofficial Populous3 single players (campaigns). Each video will feature one level, as well as the difficult of that level (even though that's more personal, depending on the skill of each player as well as other factors, it will give you a general idea of how hard it is (difficulty is measured in percentage, being 0% the lowest and 100% the hardest you can think of). Make sure to read all the video description, specially if you are a beginner or if you have any questions, as i will explain some things about the level. Make sure you post your questions in the comments!
Populous 3: Standalone level The Lengthy Obelisk Level difficulty: between 26% - 29%
This is one of the Populous standalone levels (levels that are not part of a campaign/singleplayer, so they are individual levels to be played). This level was created by a chinese player.
On this very boring level, you only have blast, and must reach the warrior hut obelisk, by worshiping a first one that connects - but this one takes ages. The trick is to start praying, go out for dinner, come back, watch the harry potter saga, so that when you come back its already 50%. You also have temple, so use preachers to defend and attack. Once you have warriors, make tons of them, and split them on Dakini's base.
( Best Speedrun Time - 00;00;00 by "" )
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