In case you want to watch my first part of network marketing video series, you can watch here
Network Marketing Video Series Part-1 :
#networkmarketing #mlm #directselling #eduvaner
In this video, I have shared my views on how to sort out various questions in our mind related to network marketing industry via proces of 5 questions that one can ask to oneself so that he can derive the best conclusion to join or not to join the direct selling industry.
These five questions make the step by step questionaire for anyone to answer and decide the best network marketing opportunity for himself.
Here is the list of five questions that I have talked about in the video :-
(1) What is Network Marketing ? How does it's business model work ? Past performance, present scenario and future scope of network marketing ?
(2) Types of multilevel marketing companies ?
(3) How to judge a direct selling company on the basis of profile and products ?
(4) Types of mlm plans in network marketing industry ?
(5) What are my need, role and resources for direct selling industry ?
For any further query, you can whatsapp me at
EduVaNer Official number : +91 90961 26138.
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Thanks a lot!
Yours DsR.
From EduVaNer.
"Get Educated, Get Motivated, & Get Trained"