
My Openbox Experiment - Ditching the Desktop Environment?

My Openbox Experiment - Ditching the Desktop Environment? Could I live in Openbox rather than a full desktop environment? This week I look at how and if that would be possible.

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##Links for obmenu-generator
#github page
#Debian Package

## My autostart file
compton -b -C &

## Set screen resolution
(sleep 4s && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --off --output DP-2 --mode 1680x1050 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DP-1 --mode 1920x1080 --primary --pos 1680x0 --rotate normal) &

## Launch nitrogen before launching plank
(sleep 4s && nitrogen --restore && plank) &

## Launch tint2
(sleep 3s && tint2) &

## Launch volume control
mate-volume-control-status-icon &

## Launch nm-applet
nm-applet &

## Launch pamac system tray
pamac-tray &

##Set GB keyboard
setxkbmap -layout gb &

oldtechbloke,otb,linux,arch linux,Openbox,Openbox customisation,living in openbox,make openbox usable,desktop environment,window manager,obmenu-generator,lxappearance,tint2,window manager vs desktop environment,openbox arch,openbox configuration,tint2 customization,tint2 panel,tint2 launcher,tint2 start menu,openbox desktop environment,lxappearance themes arch,tint2 application menu,lxappearance arch,endeavouros,manjaro linux,lxappearance tutorial,

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