![FEH - Rival Domains HM Farming - Mar. 7 2020 [Lunatic] [2 Sol.] (F2P|GF - 2 Turns - 3 Units) FEH - Rival Domains HM Farming - Mar. 7 2020 [Lunatic] [2 Sol.] (F2P|GF - 2 Turns - 3 Units)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gMwAPKuKxXk/maxresdefault.jpg)
Sorry for taking so long, my computer is still causing me some issues.
Also sorry for not posting last week, I took a little break.
If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee, thank you if you decide to do so:
Note: Remember that they can be different units, as long as they can serve the same purpose.
Note 2: Try not to use visible buffs, since Gerik has Sudden Panic.
-----F2P Solution-----
-A 2-ranged infantry, flying, or armored (with boots, cavalry units don't work) unit that doesn't get targeted by neither Lon'qu nor Hubert, for that, make sure that they don't get doubled by Lon'qu or 1-hit KO'd by --Hubert [Slot 4]:
--Weapon: Any
--Assist: Pivot
--B: Pass 1
-In my case, I used a 4★ S! Loki, I debuffed Lon'qu with Chill Spd 3 to make it work.
Try to debuff Lon'qu's speed with a Ploy or Chill, don't use visible buffs on your unit since Gerik has Sudden Panic.
-An infantry melee unit that gets on Escape Route range from a battle with Hubert [Slot 3], in my case, I used:
-4★ Marth (Masked Lucina):
--Weapon: Any
--B: Escape Route
A 4★ original Marth works best, it doesn't matter if he's -Res.
-A dancer with WoM (and Chill Speed if needed, another unit can have it) [Slot 1]
-----Galeforce Solution-----
Note: Sometimes in turn 2 the unit in Slot 6/7 will move before the one in Slot 3, so make sure that the unit in Slot 3 deals more damage to Hubert (it's ok if they kill him).
-An infantry melee unit with Lunge & Galeforce that can proc it off Hubert [Slot 3], in my case, I used:
-Brave Celica:
--Weapon: Iron Sword
--Especial: Galeforce
--B: Lunge
--SS: Flashing Blade
-An infatry, flying, cavalry or armored (with boots) unit with a movement assist that can get on Escape Route range from a battle with Shiro or Eliwood [Slot 6 or 7, Slot 7 can be any movement type, Slot 6 can be cavalry], in my case, I used:
-4★ Death Knight:
--Weapon: Any
--Assist: Any movement assist
--B: Escape Route 2
-A dancer with WoM [Slot 1]
-The other units are the ones that you want to farm HM, they must be level 40 (to get max HM) and have nothing equipped (and I mean nothing, unless needed).
Make sure that none of the units have assists or Pass, unless needed for the solution to work, in that case, equip them on the units that I point out (Assists change movement order & Pass changes where they will move, even if they don't use it at all).
WoM = Wings of Mercy
ER = Escape Route
HP = Health/Hith Points (I'm not sure which one is it kek)
SS = Sacred Seal
HM = Hero Merit (Each 500 you get 500 feathers, this is the reason these guides exist)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll do what I can to help.
You can check on this later if you're having trouble, as I'm constantly updating it if needed.
Music used:
Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST - Recollection and Regret
Thanks for watching!