A common misconception is that chiropractors put bones back in place or back into alignment. With the idea being that a bone has shifted or moved from where it’s supposed to be and that an adjustment will put it back where it needs to go.
Even though research continuously shows that you cannot and do not reposition the bones of the spine, this idea still persists.
1. Because when someone has aggravated or irritated joints and surrounding muscles, it really does feel like something is kind of out of alignment.
2. Chiropractors have been clinging to this model for so long, it’s hard to abandon. It’s so much easier to just say, I’m going to put you back into alignment now. Hell, I know better and even say this sometimes.
But if not out of place, then what, why does it feel like that?
When we have pain, or even just aggravation and irritation in or around a joint, the position sensors in that area send distorted messages to our brain. All of us can sense where our body is in space, even with our eyes closed because we have these all of these position and movement sensors. When there is irritation in the area, muscles tighten up and lose ability to have coordinated movement. So… it really does give a feeling of being out of alignment.
So, can a spinal manipulation help then?
Yes. Just not by putting an out of place bone back to where it’s supposed to be. Stu McGill and other researchers say that SMT is like a reboot for the CNS. Restore the correct movement in the joint and there is a neurological reflex that resets the surrounding muscles. They relax and have regain coordination.