
Democrats Vow To QUIT The Democratic Party If Joe Biden Is The Nominee, Bernie's Campaign CRUMBLES

Democrats Vow To QUIT The Democratic Party If Joe Biden Is The Nominee, Bernie's Campaign CRUMBLES Democrats Vow To QUIT The Democratic Party If Joe Biden Is The Nominee, Bernie's Campaign Collapsing. With Bernie's resounding defeat at the hands of Biden now several states in a row voters are furious and vowing to quit the democratic party if Joe Biden is the nominee.

Faced with nearing defeat 19% of Bernie voters say they will not support Biden if he is the nominee meaning that Biden might not have the support needed to defeat Trump in November.

But Bernie also failed to muster a progressive coalition as Biden dominated among women and minority voters.

Unfortunately for the woke twitterati and far left Bernie just does not have the support needed to even win the nomination let alone the general election.

Republicans on the other hand are enjoying record voter turnout STILL.


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timcast,tim pool,intellectual dark web,democrats,democrat,democratic party,democrats vow to quit,democrats quitting,democrats quitting party,bernie sanders,joe biden,donald trump,election,2020 election,democratic primary,bernie sanders campaign,

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