
Coronavirus outbreak: President Donald Trump confirms 1st death in U.S., talks virus response

Coronavirus outbreak: President Donald Trump confirms 1st death in U.S., talks virus response Editor's note: The CDC and Washington State officials confirmed the first death of coronavirus in the United States is a male in his 50s. President Trump stated during an earlier news conference the death was a female.

U.S. President Donald Trump spoke on Saturday about the country's ongoing response to the COVID-19 virus and confirmed a person in Washington state had died from the illness. He added there were four others "very ill," and 15 have either fully recovered on on their way to recovery. In total, he said there were 22 cases in the country and "additional cases in the United States are likely."

Vice President Mike Pence said that they were increasing travel restrictions on Iran amid ongoing concerns about the COVID-19 virus, preventing foreign nationals from coming to the U.S. who has visited Iran in the past 14 days. He said they also are advising Americans not to travel to specific regions of Italy and South Korea.

Trump called on people not to "incite panic" over COVID-19 virus concerns, saying the U.S. was prepared for any circumstance.

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