Citizens are coming up with ways to raise money for those affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
Our Kim Bo-kyoung tells us how people are trying to make a difference. Donations by celebrities and companies might make the headlines, but ordinary citizens are also doing their part to help those suffering from the outbreak.
"To raise funds for those in need,... college students in South Korea are joining together and encouraging each other to donate money."
The students opened an open chat room on mobile messaging app KakaoTalk,... and are sharing information on how much money they have raised so far.
"We have joined together to raise money, hoping the COVID-19 outbreak can pass sooner,... and although the money we are raising might seem small compared to celebrities' donations, we hope what we are doing now can be the starting point of a nationwide donating culture."
When they reach their target of around 8-thousand U.S. dollars,... they will decide which organization to give the money to so that the donation can go to those who need it.
They say they will keep fundraising until the outbreak ends,... and are trying to find new donors.
"We have already contacted influencers in our universities,... and by using other media platforms, we are trying to get others to participate."
Not only college students,... but people across the nation are donating to charities that are helping those suffering due to the outbreak.
Hope Bridge, the Korea Disaster Relief Association,... says more than 52-million U.S. dollars have been raised so far for its projects related to COVID-19.
"Lots of citizens send us messages when they donate. Most of them say 'Cheer up, South Korea' or 'We can overcome this if we work together'. Even BTS fans have sent us the money from their refunded tickets when the group's concert was canceled."
Already, around 7-hundred-thousand items have been sent to Koreans evacuated from Wuhan and to patients in South Korea.
Hope Bridge thanked citizens and encouraged them to participate more,... as citizens' good will can make big difference.
KIM Bo-kyoung, Arirang News.
#COVID19 #Citizens #SouthKorea
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