It's Back to the Future! The Galactics want this out immediately, and YOU are to participate. Now that the Training Simulator is free of the virus (except the social media fragments and thus Blackout Mode), we're going a step further and going back in time to Star Date 2000 - and launching Operation Red Kachina at that point in the time continuum, taking out the bad actors BEFORE they do any more damage.
This is all to get ready for the announcement, to get things clean In This Now. Recall we can't have the announcements until all is super-clean. This is a real Mission, so join Mother and the Magnificent 7.
Warning: Do not listen to while driving a vehicle or operating any equipment, etc.
回到未來!銀河人想要立即出來,你們要參與。現在,訓練模擬器沒有病毒(除了社交媒體片段,因此封鎖模式),我們更進一步,回到星日期2000年 - 並啟動行動紅卡奇納在時間連續體的時間點,拿出壞 演員之前,他們做任何更多的損害。