
My Ex Rebounded With A Downgrade?!?

My Ex Rebounded With A Downgrade?!? If you find yourself wondering if your ex downgraded after breaking up with you, Clay Andrews will help you answer that question with this video. You may also want to check out this series on rebound relationships:


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Are you wondering "What? My ex rebounded with a downgrade?" Well, let's get something straight first.

Whether or not someone is an upgrade or a downgrade is completely subjective. You have to look at what your ex's values are and whether they are moving closer to the person they want to be or further away from that person before you jump to the conclusion that they are a downgrade or an upgrade.

If you're wondering why did my ex move on so fast with a downgrade, it usually ties back to emotional availability and trying to play things safe. They don't want to risk rejection so they went with a "safe bet" and they didn't invest emotionally with this other person.

***** IMPORTANT *****

This is an internet video, and it should be obvious, but this video and other videos on this channel should not be taken as a substitute for the evaluation of a psychologist, therapist, counselor, etc. This video and other videos on this channel are intended for informational uses only, and only reflect the personal opinions of the creator. The creator of this video is not responsible for your actions or choices or the consequences of your actions or choices.

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