In this video I'm sharing some strategies with you to have a better shot at keeping your weight:
1) Make a commitment to become a student of your mind
There's great ressources out there to get informed about how our mind works when it comes to achieving your goals. One of my all time favourites is "The willpower instinct" by Kelly McGonigal. She created a model of 3 powers at work: the "will", the "won't" and the "want" power. Some people might actually accomplish quite a lot what they want, but at the same time can't resist temptation.
Depleted of willpower you gave in to the temptation (failure at "won't" power) and started eating junk food again. Or you just didn't have the willpower to go to the gym anymore. (failure of "will" and potentially "want" power).
2) Talk with your friends and family and create accountability
Lot of people are embarrassed when it comes to talking about their weight goals. This is not only counter-productive as shame and guilt are not promoting positive change, but also makes it less likely that friends and family see the need to help. Even worse, they might hurt your goals by tempting you to go out and eat junk food with them.
3) Full ownership of your circumstances
David Goggins was beaten by his father and suffered years in his childhood because of it. He became obese as a consequence, soothing his pain with food. Eventually he was sick of that life and made the decision to become a Navy Seal. He ended up running ultra-marathons and talks about his story today in his book: "Can't hurt me". Don't blame others or your circumstances and take full ownership.
4) Subscribe to this channel
I thought a lifetime about choices and strategies. Whereas I don't have it all figured out yet, I strongly believe that the lessons I've learned about the choices we make as human beings can help some of you.
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