
Labor uses climate ‘virtue-signaling’ as a ‘blatant smokescreen’

Labor uses climate ‘virtue-signaling’ as a ‘blatant smokescreen’ Sky News host Chris Kenny says Australia is “stuck” in an “emotional, often fact free, polarised and unenlightening debate about climate change policy”.

Mr Kenny said “Labor's latest effort at uncosted climate virtue-signaling” is its “pledge” towards “net zero emissions by 2050”.

“Albanese has lots of support of course,” he said, yet he “refuses to explain exactly what he wants to do and how much it will cost”.

“This nation has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions, only slightly, but this is what we've been doing,” he said.

“Even though the population is growing, along with the economy, we are reducing emissions, we've met our Kyoto targets and we will meet Paris too.

“Let’s not pretend that there are known costs to not doing more, Labor is using this as a blatant smokescreen for not coming clean about the actual costs of what they plan to do.

Image: News Corp Australia


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