I've started this meditation challenge inspired by many reasons and many people. Kyle Cease did a 100-day Self Connection experiment and it's something that has always inspired me. I've done many "100 day Meditation Gongs" and in 2018, during one of my meditation gongs, I meditated for 2 hours a day for 14 days in a row, inspired by Kyle Cease.
It was a very interesting experience. I was going through a lot of pain at that time and these 14 days seemed to help me heal so much.
I love challenging myself and right now this feels really good. Meditating for 1 hour a day would be relatively "easy" for me right now. Meditating for 2 hours a day excites me and slightly "scares" me a little and I want to explore what this experience would be like at this point in my life.
Matt Kahn talks a lot about sitting. Being with yourself. Sitting through emotions. And I keep seeing and realizing and experiencing the benefits of this simple practice of sitting.
Both Kyle Cease and Matt Kahn have been very helpful teachers in my journey, and they're the 2 people who inspired me the most to do this 100-day Meditation Experiment.
I would love for you to join us. You really DON'T NEED TO MEDITATE FOR THIS LONG!
I simply want to inspire you to take at least 5 minutes for yourself every day and just sit. No technology. No distractions. No to-do list. No goal-setting. No social media. Just you.
You can meditate for 5 minutes a day or longer, but committing to a 100-Day Meditation Gong is truly powerful and transformational and I'll be talking throughout my videos as to why and how.
If you know someone who might want to join us please share this with them.
It would be so amazing to connect with a tribe of people willing to make themselves a priority and exploring this journey with us.
Much love.
So much more coming.
Here are some great videos from Matt Kahn:
Matt Kahn's YouTube channel:
Raising Your Vibration - Matt Kahn
The Love Revolution - Matt Kahn
Everything Is Here to Help You - Matt Kahn
A Way Out of Pain - Matt Kahn
The End of Inner Conflict - Matt Kahn
The Soul's Journey - Matt Kahn
The Karmic Return - Matt Kahn
Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined - Matt Kahn
Some great videos from Kyle Cease:
Kyle Cease YouTube Channel:
Kyle Cease - Just Start
Kyle Cease - How to Actually Make Money
Kyle Cease - How to Raise Your Value
Kyle Cease - The Horrifying Illusion of Security
Kyle Cease - Be As "Bored" As Possible
I hope something here helps you on your journey!
If you want to join us and find out where this goes, remember to subscribe and turn on your notifications!
It will be an exciting journey!
Much love!