
Hope is the surest sign of Divine restoration of the Church....

Hope is the surest sign of Divine restoration of the Church.... Hope is the surest sign of Divine restoration of the Church...this publication explains how to recognize the supernatural help from God to His Church, and what is the outcome, and that those who are the enemies of God are being exposed by Him, and how that is done, so that they, and their master the devil, cannot possibly hide behind anything they produce or try to cover up, because the Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, being guided by God Himself the Holy Ghost, cannot err in these matters of the Catholic Faith and Morals, and the Church has the infallible guidance from our Lord to expose such diabolically possessed enemies of God and of His Church, so that they could be detected by the genuine Catholic faithful and avoided, as they are IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics, or directly APOSTATE sectarians of the pro-communist neo-Protestant Sect Novus Ordo, which is already outside the Church from its beginning and establishment in the1960's by its infernal founder the devil himself...

THEREFORE the hope of the Divine restoration of the Catholic Church, which is NOT the APOSTATE pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect, which had stolen and is occupying in sacrilege the worldwide Church property, including the Vatican, nor the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and the sedevacantist heretics, the hope that God is already restoring His Church is in the truth being publicly taught and expounded...and those who don't teach the true doctrine and do not defend the Catholic Faith (which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition), and the true Catholic Church, they are not practicing the Catholic religion and are outside the Church as heretics...


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