To start, you should know the origin of acne. How does it develop? A disease that arises due to the interaction between hormones, sebum and bacteria that live on or within the skin and also in the hair. During puberty, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases and, often, dry sebum, scaly skin and bacteria accumulate in the pores of the skin forming a comedon, which prevents sebum from flowing from the hair follicles through the pores If the blockage is incomplete black spots form; if complete, white dots appear.
Most medications serve to reduce fat production, accelerate the renewal of dermal cells, fight bacterial infection or reduce inflammation. You may not see results for four to eight weeks with most prescription acne medications. In fact, acne can take several months or years to disappear completely.
Luckily, and as a complement to medications, there are natural remedies such as green tea, mint, chamomile or honey with which you can reduce the appearance of acne. We explain how you should apply to your skin, continuously, to obtain lasting results.
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