
(1of3)JOHN-the-Baptist WAS LAST PROPHET anywhere AS POINTED OUT JESUS as LAMB OF GOD.Matthew11v13&9.

(1of3)JOHN-the-Baptist WAS LAST PROPHET anywhere AS POINTED OUT JESUS as LAMB OF GOD.Matthew11v13&9. (1of3)JOHN-the-Baptist WAS LAST PROPHET anywhere AS POINTED OUT JESUS as LAMB OF GOD.Matthew11v9 and v13. God is the one who appointed all prophets so that they can do His work. He appointed prophets not for their own benefits at all, they had to work for the one who made them to be prophets, who is God. Prophets' work was to prophecy; 'prediction of what will happen in the future'. Daniel prophecized the future as in Daniel 2 (prophecy of the FOUR kingdoms which would rise in the world; namely, Babylon, Medes and Persians, Greece and Rome). These kingdoms came and passed. The divided kingdoms followed Rome and that is where the world is right NOW. We are waiting for the STONE which will destroy the statue which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed. In addition, Daniel saw a vision of the FOUR beasts which came out of the sea; Daniel 7. The one which game him interest was the forth kingdom which stood for the fourth kingdom which is (as in Daniel 2), was the Roman empire! This kingdom did so many things against the most High (who is God) in that they persecuted the people of God and they 'tried to change the times and the law', Daniel 7v25. The law of God, especially law number 2 of 'do not make yourself graven images' was removed from the 10 commandments and replaced with the division of the 10th law about 'thou shalt not covet'. It was duplicated so as to make as if there are still 10 laws even though the second one was removed. That is how bad the Roman empire, which later later gave its reigns to the Roman Catholic church changed the law of God.
As it is today, no prophet was appointed by God after John the Baptist. John the Baptist was the final prophet of God as in Luke 16v16-18. The danger is, no one change the law of God, not a small detail can be changed at all. Luke 16v17; 'And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail'.
The last of the tail-end prophets are written in the book of Acts. Agabus was one of them, the others are Barnabas, Judas and Silas. Acts 21v10,'And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea'. Agabus was one of the 70 disciples of Jesus mentioned in Acts 10.
The book of Hebrews (Hebrews 1v1-2) talks of the prophets having worked in the past, and Jesus talks to people everywhere now. Of course the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost and the kingdom was God now preached everywhere. We do not need any prophets as of now! Any prophets who would be there may be self-appointed for their own benefits. Do not forget this that prophets were giving prophecies from God.

So, any other prophets after John would not be from God. John pointed Jesus to the world and who other prophecies would do now? Matthew 24 and the whole book of Revelation gives EVERYTHING NEEDED for prophecies into the kingdom of God.

There are spiritual writers in the world but we can not call them prophets; people like Ellen G. White has written very inspiring books but we can not call her a prophet, otherwise, we would be going against what the Bible said about John the Baptist as the last prophet. Ellen White as written books like the Desire of Ages which talks about Jesus Christ, the Great Controversy, Steps to Christ; these books are worth reading!So called prophets like Franklin, Bushiri, TB Joshua and many others, what new prophecies from God do they have? All end-time prophecies have already been given by God in the Holy Words! Let us delve into the Word of God to find salvation and peace from our Creator! No man can help you at all. Man needs needs help and salvation from God!

(1of3)JOHN-the-Baptist WAS LAST PROPHET anywhere AS POINTED OUT JESUS as LAMB OF GOD.Matthew11v13&9.,

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