This kitchen remodel took almost 2 months to complete. The sources and products used are too many to name here. If you have any questions about products/sources etc please ask in the comment section. We'll be happy to help you.
Jen (myself) was accepted into interior design school and is passionate about beautifying spaces. Ed (her boyfriend) is a talented artist who previously owned his own business installing tile...including designing layouts, mosaics, granite, marble, and all kinds of other materials.
We are currently living in a small condo while locating property and building our own home. We're going to be living here for another 1.5 years and couldn't STAND the disgusting outdated kitchen. Our (very cool and laid back) management agreed to work with us on our remodel.
Please don't gut your apt kitchens without discussing with your landlord! ha ha
Hope you enjoy, COMMENTS ARE WELCOME....NOT CRICKETS. lol Jen and Ed :)